Health Benefits of Doing Plank Exercises

In recent years, the plank exercise has gained significant popularity as a highly effective core strengthening workout. The plank is a simple yet challenging exercise that involves holding a push-up position with the body in a straight line for a certain amount of time.

While many people perform the plank solely for its aesthetic benefits, such as toned abs and a stronger core, the plank exercise has numerous other health benefits as well.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 health benefits of doing plank exercises. From improving posture and balance to reducing back pain and improving flexibility, the plank is a versatile and beneficial exercise that can benefit individuals of all fitness levels. By incorporating planks into your regular workout routine, you can improve your overall health and well-being while achieving a stronger, more toned body.

So, whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting out, read on to discover the many benefits of planking and how this simple exercise can transform your body and mind.

What Are The Health Benefits of Doing Plank Exercises?

Here are 10 health benefits of doing plank exercises:

Top 10 Health Benefits of Doing Plank Exercises

1. Plank exercises can help improve your posture.

When you do plank exercises, you are essentially working all of the muscles in your body that help to keep your spine straight. This can include your abdominals, your back muscles, and your glutes. By strengthening these muscles, you can help improve your posture and stand taller.

2. Plank exercises can help you to burn more calories.

When you do any type of exercise, you are going to burn calories. However, some exercises are more effective at burning calories than others.

Plank exercises are one of the most effective exercises for burning calories. This is because they work your entire body and cause your heart rate to increase.

3. Plank exercises can help improve your core strength.

Your core is made up of all of the muscles in your midsection, including your abdominals and your back muscles. These muscles are important for keeping your spine stable and for providing power during other exercises.

By doing plank exercises on a regular basis, you can help to improve the strength of your core muscles. This can lead to better performance in other exercises and activities, as well as a reduced risk of injury.

4. Plank exercises can help improve your balance.

Plank exercises require you to engage multiple muscles throughout your body, including your core, glutes, and legs. By strengthening these muscles, you can improve your balance and stability.

Holding a plank position requires you to maintain a straight line from your head to your heels, which can help improve your body’s overall alignment and balance. This can be particularly beneficial for older adults or anyone who has experienced a fall or injury in the past.

5. Plank exercises can help improve your flexibility.

Plank exercises are a great way to improve your flexibility. When you perform a plank, you engage your abdominal muscles, but you also engage other muscles throughout your body, including your hamstrings, hips, and shoulders. By holding a plank position, you are stretching and lengthening these muscles, which can improve your overall flexibility.

6. Plank exercises can help to reduce stress.

There are a number of different ways that exercise can help to reduce stress. For one, exercise can help to release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Additionally, exercise can help to take your mind off of stressful thoughts and provide a distraction from your day-to-day worries.

Plank exercises specifically can help to reduce stress because they require you to focus on maintaining a specific position. This can help to clear your mind and improve your overall mood.

7. Plank exercises can help improve your breathing.

When you do plank exercises, you are forced to breathe deeply and slowly in order to maintain a stable position. This deep breathing can help to improve your overall respiratory function. Additionally, deep breathing has been shown to have a number of other benefits, including reducing stress, improving blood pressure, and boosting your energy levels.

8. Plank exercises can help improve your bone density.

Bone density is an important factor in overall health. The denser your bones are, the stronger they will be. This can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis and other conditions that lead to weak bones.

Weight-bearing exercises, such as plank exercises, can help to increase bone density. This is because the exercises force your bones to bear the weight of your body, which encourages them to become stronger.

9. Plank exercises can help improve your joint health.

Joints are the points where two bones meet. They are held together by ligaments and allow for movement.

When you do plank exercises, you are essentially providing a workout for your joints. This can help to improve their health and reduce the risk of developing arthritis or other conditions that lead to joint pain.

10. Plank exercises can help improve your overall fitness level.

Plank exercises are a great way to improve your overall fitness level. This is because they work for multiple muscle groups and cause your heart rate to increase. Additionally, plank exercises can help to improve your balance, coordination, and flexibility. By regularly incorporating plank exercises into your workout routine, you can help to improve your overall fitness level and reduce your risk of developing health problems.

How to Do a Plank?

There are a number of different ways to do a plank. The most important thing is to make sure that you maintain a straight line from your head to your toes.

If you are new to plank exercises, it may be helpful to start by doing them on your knees. Once you have mastered the proper form, you can move on to doing them on your toes.

To do a plank on your knees:

  1. Start by kneeling on an exercise mat.
  2. Place your hands on the mat directly in front of you so that your palms are flat.
  3. Step your feet back one at a time so that you are in a push-up position.
  4. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes.
  5. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

To do a plank on your toes:

  1. Start by lying on your stomach on an exercise mat.
  2. Place your hands on the mat directly in front of you so that your palms are flat.
  3. Push up onto your toes so that you are in a push-up position.
  4. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes.
  5. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

Tips for Doing Plank Exercises

  • Make sure that you maintain a straight line from your head to your toes.
  • Do not let your hips drop or sag.
  • Do not hold your breath. Instead, focus on breathing deeply and slowly.
  • If you are new to plank exercises, start by doing them on your knees. Once you have mastered the proper form, you can move on to doing them on your toes.
  • To make the exercise more challenging, you can try lifting one leg or one arm off of the ground.
  • You can also try holding the plank position for longer periods of time.
  • Remember to focus on your breathing and maintain good form throughout the entire exercise.
  • When you first start doing plank exercises, you may not be able to hold the position for very long. However, with practice, you should be able to increase the amount of time that you can hold the position.


The benefits of doing plank exercises extend beyond building a strong core. With its versatility and adaptability, plank exercises can improve various aspects of your physical and mental health.

The beauty of plank exercises is that they can be performed anywhere, without any equipment, and can be modified to suit different fitness levels. Whether you are looking to improve your posture, reduce stress, or increase your metabolism, incorporating plank exercises into your fitness routine can help you achieve your goals and improve your overall well-being.

So, take the first step and try incorporating planks into your workout routine today!

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