Conseils pour prévenir la prise de poids en hiver 

Winter is a time for warm blankets, cozy fires, and hearty meals. However, it is also a time when many people experience weight gain. According to experts, this is due to a combination of factors, including decreased physical activity, increased cravings for comfort foods, and the body’s natural tendency to store fat during colder months.

To help prevent winter weight gain, experts have shared their top tips. These tips include everything from staying active to making healthy food choices to managing stress levels. By following these tips, individuals can enjoy the winter season without packing extra pounds.

In this article, we will explore 15 tips for preventing winter weight gain as recommended by experts. Each tip will be explained in detail, providing readers with practical advice that they can start implementing immediately. Whether you’re looking to maintain your weight, lose a few pounds, or simply live a healthier lifestyle, these tips will help you stay on track during the colder months.

what is winter weight gain?

Winter weight gain refers to the phenomenon where people tend to gain weight during the winter months. This is often due to a combination of factors such as decreased physical activity, increased cravings for comfort foods, and the body’s natural tendency to store fat during colder months.

Winter weight gain can lead to negative health consequences, including an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Therefore, it is important to take measures to prevent winter weight gain, such as staying active, making healthy food choices, and managing stress levels.

How to Avoid Winter Weight Gain?

Winter Weight Gain

1. Eat Your Veggies

Winter is a great time to eat healthy foods. It’s easy to eat vegetables in winter because many vegetables thrive when it’s cold. Try pureeing broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage in a food processor to make a nutritious vegetable soup that will keep you warm and satisfy your taste buds.

2. Exercise Regularly

Although winter is usually associated with the holiday season when you want to rest, that doesn’t mean exercise has to stop completely. You can stay active by shoveling snow and ice, walking the dog, and taking winter hikes. These activities won’t feel like working out, giving you more motivation to stay fit.

3. Use Your Crock-Pot

Crock-pots are great for keeping your kitchen warm during the chilly months. Fill up your crock-pot before work with chicken or beef, vegetables and broth then come home to a delicious meal that’s ready to eat!

You can also use your crockpot throughout the day as a simmering pot of chili or homemade soup on low heat so it stays warm until dinnertime. Then all you have to do is top it with some shredded cheese and serve!

4. Watch What You Drink

Avoid drinking too much alcohol or caffeine during the winter months. Excessive amounts of either one will have a dehydrating effect on the body and cause you to gain weight from retaining water.

If you’re going to drink, switch from dark-colored beverages like wine and soda pop with artificial coloring to lighter drinks like beer, white wine, or clear soda pop.

5. Don’t Skip Meals

Eating every three hours will help keep your metabolism going strong all day long so don’t skip meals because it’s cold outside!  

Make sure you plan ahead for your meals by cooking up a healthy meal that can be eaten throughout the day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then pack enough snacks to last until dinnertime in case you miss a meal.

6. Get More Sleep

Winter doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice sleep altogether. You can still get a good night’s rest by wearing socks to bed, using layers of blankets, staying off your phone or laptop an hour before sleeping, and making sure your bedroom is dark.

Also, use this time as the perfect opportunity to wind down before bed with a warm cup of chamomile tea or a hot glass of milk! Make sure you are well rested for the next day since winter brings longer periods without sunshine.

7. Don’t Overeat Out Of Boredom

Winter often causes us to feel sluggish, tired, and moody so it’s important not to turn to food when we’re bored because we’ll end up eating too much and gaining weight! Instead, reach for a cup of tea to keep your hands and mouth busy.

If you’re craving sweets try dark chocolate or anything that’s rich in cocoa like hot chocolate or cocoa packets with marshmallows (not the “marshmallow” flavoring).

8. Keep Active When You Travel

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you should take public transportation everywhere instead of driving your car! The best advice is to combine all forms of transportation, such as taking a bus to work one day and then driving the rest of the week so you stay active no matter what time of year it is.

9. Eat More Whole Grains

Since we spend more time indoors during the winter months it’s important to increase our intake of whole grains. Eating more whole grains will help regulate your blood sugar levels to give you energy without making you feel sluggish later in the day.

Try eating a breakfast full of whole-grain cereals, toast, pancakes, bagels, and waffles instead of white bread for lunch and dinner!

10. Eat More Spices

Winter is the perfect time to try out different types of spices in your cooking since foods are usually pretty bland during the cold months.

Try adding cayenne pepper, cinnamon, or spicy mustard to chicken dishes, mix crushed red peppers into spaghetti sauce or add ginger to every meal!

Just remember that using too many spices can be just as bad as not using enough so experiment with just one new spice at a time. You can also find a wide variety of spices that are available in tea form if you don’t enjoy cooking with them.

11. Don’t Skip Exercise

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you should stop exercising!

Try joining an indoor gym or running on a treadmill so you stay active and fit throughout the year without having to worry about bad weather slowing you down outside. If your schedule is packed try doing some leg exercises while brushing your teeth or squats while watching TV!

Anything that gets your heart rate up and moves your muscles should count as exercise which means you’re guaranteed to get more out of fewer workouts this season.

12. Eat More Calcium-Rich Foods

If the colder months have caused your diet to consist mainly of protein and crackers, now is the perfect time to start eating dairy products since winter is when they’re most in season.

Try eating more cheese, Greek yogurt, or even just a glass of milk at every meal. Just remember that all forms of dairy are rich in calcium so you don’t have to eat large portions of anything if you’re already getting enough calcium through your daily intake!

13. Exercise With A Friend

Keeping busy during the winter can be challenging so join a gym with a friend or get family members involved in an exercise routine together each day!

It’s much easier to skip working out if you don’t have anyone waiting for you at home so make it social by inviting friends over after workouts planning adventures outside of the house too.

14. Don’t Skip Your Protein

Winter months can often make you crave rich and fatty foods like meat, pasta, and bread so if your meal plans usually consist of these items try to at least eat a protein with them like chicken or fish before adding any carbs to your plate. It’s also important to note that winter is the best time for eating meats since they’re in season!

Try eating turkey or lamb with dinner tonight for a deliciously juicy meal without the guilt (and bloating) that accompanies overeating.

15. Get Rid Of Junk Foods In The House

Since we tend to feel more sluggish during the winter months it’s important not to have junk food available for snacking at home because chances are you’ll end up eating more of it than usual.

Make it harder to reach for unhealthy foods by getting rid of them altogether or buy smaller sizes so you don’t have the urge to keep eating once you open up a bag!

Winter Weight Gain FAQs.

Is it OK to gain weight in the winter?

It’s not uncommon for people to see a small jump in their scale numbers over the winter months, but there’s no reason to be alarmed if you notice your weight creeping up a few pounds – so long as it starts going back down come spring!

The colder seasons can cause changes in our bodies that lead to increased appetites and cravings for foods high in calories and fat. This is nothing to be ashamed of though since winter just means it’s the best time of year for making delicious comfort foods that are actually good for you!

Why do I gain weight so fast in winter?

A lot of people find that their waistlines tend to expand when the colder months come around. The biggest culprit for this is usually the pillows, blankets, and sweatshirts that are suddenly being worn around the house every day!

If you’re gaining weight at a much more rapid pace than usual this season it’s important to not only look at what you’re eating but also how active you are outside.

Getting out of the house and making an effort to get some fresh air every day is a great way to make sure you’re burning off enough calories to maintain your weight.

What is the winter body?

Having a “winter body” is a tricky concept to define since it doesn’t mean having one type of body at all. In simplest terms though, a winter body is when you tend to pack on a few extra pounds throughout the colder months but lose them come springtime.

It doesn’t mean your winter body is any better or worse than your summer body, it’s just a different look that’s often the result of comfort eating and staying indoors more.


Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to losing weight this winter season while avoiding the dreaded holiday weight gain since there’s no good way to avoid gaining weight during the holidays anyway!

If you follow these tips and keep a steady exercise routine throughout the year, chances are it’ll be a lot easier for you to stay healthy without too much additional work once spring rolls around.

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